JD's Shoe repair was founded in 2009 by Julie Derrick, a cobbler trained in Portland under the tutelage of master cobblers. Working in local shoe repair shops formed the basis of Julie's cobbling skills, and she has been fortunate to be mentored by some of the most experienced cobblers in the region. The values that guide JD's shoe repair have been present from the start: a commitment to hard work, creative approaches to repair, and the notion that beloved and useful items can be reinforced and repaired rather than thrown to the wayside.
Shoe repair fits with Julie's core held ethic of maintaining and reusing rather than contributing to the ever larger heap of garbage in the world. JD's shoe repair focuses on the need to stay comfortable on our feet. The shop provides repairs and maintenance to working people and travelers of all kinds, from musicians and dancers to laborers and nurses. Shoe repair is for everyone, and the staff works to create a welcoming and supportive environment in the shop for anyone who needs their shoes to keep going a few more miles.